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Chapter 52: Fourth Meet

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Althouh she had refused his help, he still had done everythin he could to help her. Naturally, he had helped her a lot. It was just that he had been doin everythin secretly, not revealin his authentic appearance.


Althouh such a irl was brilliant, it was still risky and challenin for her to protect herself in such a place, so he arraned a secret uard to protect her secretly.


To prevent the sa thin frohappenin aain, only in this way would he be able to rest assured.


Unconsciously, he was surprised by how ch he cared about this irl.


He has been drean about her recently. What people think about durin the day is what they desire at niht.


She knew the person she hurt st be soone with a certain status. After that incident, she has been livin a peaceful life. What had happened that day seed to be a nihtre. When she woke up froher drea she was fine.


This tter de her even re confident that the Second Youn Master''''s identity could never be averae, and it was difficult to settle the case quickly.


This person st be influential.


Who will it be?


She was lost in thouht.

她出神的想着 ……

Althouh It''''s hard to tell what''''s on the youn ster''''s nd, she could feel he had no ill intentions toward her.


In addition, he had silently done a lot of finishin work for her. Althouh he had never ntioned it and had never shown up, no one else knew that he had added fuel to the fire and hand

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