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Chapter 30:Coldness

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I wanted to speak to hiprivately, so I hinted that there were people around. He then instructed everyone to leave, leavin just the two of us.


"Your Hihness, I''''ve co to apoloize."


"Oh? What have you done wron?"


I iediately knelt and bowed head to hi sayin, "Soone deliberately arraned acquaintance with Your Hihness. There is soone who wants to rry into the Eastern Palace."


Havin finished words, I didn''''t hear a response. I knelt for a while, still unable to hear any sound. Left with no choice, I raised head, only to see a cold expression on his face. It was surprisin that such a warand entle person could show such an icy deanor.


"Cui Yu, do you really dislike so ch that you would keep at ar''s lenth?" he asked.


Hearin this, I stood up. "Your Hihness, do you know I afrothe Cui faly?"


He looked puzzled, and I continued, "The people of the Cui faly are unfeelin and do not value etions. Since childhood, we have learned how to sacrifice for our faly and protect it. Thus, I have always considered it duty to uard the Cui faly. Zhan Guoyin was once a person I used for this purpose."


His face rew even colder.


"Your Hihness, soone like is not worthy of your kindness."


"Are you finished?" he asked.


"I a"


"Then, you y leave." He seed exhausted.


And so, I left. Froth

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