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Chapter 28: True Identity

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Thouh I don''''t possess aunt''''s lofty aitions or excellence, as a dauhter of the Cui faly, I would never waver when it cos to people who don''''t reciprocate feelins or betray . Even if I deeply love the I still have boundaries and dinity.


"If you are heartless, I will let o" is bottoline.


I will not waver, and I will not liner.


I y not have the Cui faly''''s aition, but I possess their pride. This pride is etched into bones and will never fade.


Moreover, I believe Zhan Guoyin is re suitable for . He is the person I like the st, and his type attracted the st.


Crown Prince Liu Hao is like warjade, a coortin shawl. He exudes warh frohead to toe, and it''''s hard for any won not to fall in love with such a n.


Zhan Guoyin, on the other hand, is eleant and cold. His warh is laced with ruthlessness, which he doesn''''t hide.


I feel that Zhan Guoyin and I are silar. Crown Prince Liu Hao is too kind and selfless, while I harbor selfish intentions and own calculations.


Zhan Guoyin is also like that. He''''s cold-hearted and ruthless, even denyin his faly to achieve his oals. Only such a person can secure the throne and not ive those who covet it any opportunity.


Liu Hao is too sentintal and values past connections. Althouh intellient, such a person would strule to secure a prosin future in the royal faly and protect his life.



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