首页 >武侠修真 >崔玉传中英对照版 > Chapter 26: True Identity真身

Chapter 26: True Identity真身

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n ordinary villae irl who needed to use her beauty and talent to cli the social □□. So, the last words I said to hiwere just another lie. As clever as he was, he fiured out the truth when he saw in the palace.


He knew I had Zhan Guoyin in heart as stories about us were widely spread. That''''s why he uessed the reason for rejection, and he didn''''t pressure , ivin space and ti, silently treatin well, hopin to exchane sincerity for sincerity.


After returnin to Lianzhou, Zhan Guoyin inexplicably beca jealous of Liu Hao ltiple tis. I thouht it wasn''''t without reason, for I did love hi but I dared not love.


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