首页 >武侠修真 >崔玉传中英对照版 > Chapter 24 : Departure

Chapter 24 : Departure

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\"Do you really not want to see that badly?\"


I didn\''''t answer, ilyin areent.


\"I don\''''t understand what I\''''ve done recently to offend you that you treat like a snake or scorpion.\"


\"You haven\''''t offended . It\''''s just that n and won shouldn\''''t be too close to avoid ossip.\"


\"So, it\''''s about this tter. I think you are soone who doesn\''''t care about trivialities. Besides, I do love you.\"


\"You...\" I hadn\''''t expected such a poor youn n to have such kind of courae. His character was entle like water, efficient in handlin tters, and astonishinly straihtforward reardin etions.


There was no possibility between hiand . Since it was iossible, I couldn\''''t ive hihope. How could I reject hiwithout crushin his spirit? I devised a plan.


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