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Chapter 23 : Departure远离

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We were enaed in activities that didn\''''t correspond with our positions. I think the Crown Prince should have reseled Zhan Guoyin—charistic, coandin, and enjoyin the finest thins in life concernin food, clothin, and shelter.


He should have harbored lofty aitions, lookin down on others and only noticin those with exceptional abilities or unique qualities. Otherwise, he would have been like a fleetin cloud, vanishin without a trace.


In heart, the Crown Prince should have been as unreachable as Zhan Guoyin.


But I could never have iined the heir to the New Dynasty, the esteed Crown Prince, workin undercover on a far skillfully perforn the tasks with his hands calloused frotoil and labor.


Had I not seen it with own eyes and not spent day after day with hi I would never have believed such a prince could exist. Shouldn\''''t he have been studyin ierial tactics and strateies of power?


I would have never approached hiif I had known his identity earlier. I would have kept distance, preventin the subsequent events frooccurrin and sparin Zhan Guoyin\''''s heart frobein pierced by this thorn.


However, there are no \"what ifs\" in this world. As a result, ny thins happened between us, and we appeared to have done a lot toether. But in ter of concrete evidence, we had done nothin.


Adaptin to local custo and oin with the flow, I diliently played the role of a villae irl.


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