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Chapter 13: Old and New

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fly''''s pride, provin that a true ecannot hide its brilliance, even if it tries to conceal itself.


"You are luckier than I was," said Butterfly. "I had no one to rely on back then, but now you have the love and protection of the current Crown Prince and the support of our entire faly. You have everythin you need with the Crown Prince in front and pavin the way behind.


I have worked and plotted for ny years, only to beco an Ierial Noble Consort. I will never be an Eress. But you can be. The title of Eress is held out before you by ny people, offered to you. You don''''t even need to fiht for it. you just need to reach out and take the crown." Butterfly''''s face lowed with satisfaction as her path seed to row sother and sother.


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