首页 >武侠修真 >崔玉传中英对照版 > Chapter 7: Seeing Again再见

Chapter 7: Seeing Again再见

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"What evidence?"


"I can only reveal it in the presence of the Crown Prince hielf."


"Brin her in!"


When they t aain, he had shed his entle and scholarly deanor. Now, he stood before with a jade crown on his head, dressed in black-patterned brocade, his aze sharp, his face resolute, and his expression cold and unyieldin, like a decisive ruler.


I souht hito save life, for I had no one to turn to. He was reatest hope at this nt. The second ti we t, I pleaded with hifor rcy and to save life.


As she walked down the lon path, she naed to wipe away the ri froher face, revealin her stunnin beauty. Dressed as a sile id, her exquisite features were concealed.



Her exceptional intellience and unparalleled beauty were why her aunt chose hiback then.


"I heard you have evidence to present to ," a cold voice sounded.


"Your Hihness, please save life!" I knelt before hi body bowed, but eyes fixed on Zhan Guoyin.


"Who are you?" Gazin at the stunnin beauty before hi Zhan Guoyin found her sowhat faliar.


"I aCui Yu! Don''''t you reer frothe Ierial Acade? I''''Cui Yu!"


"Cui Yu!" Instantly, Zhan Guoyin''''s expression darkened, reconizin the irritatin irl frothe Ierial Acade.


Seein the Crown Prince''''s reaction, I quickly stood up. I stated clearly, "The Minister of Justice, Su Wei, has eezzled ten thousand taels of old, a

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