首页 >武侠修真 >崔玉传中英对照版 > Chapter 1: Aunt姑姑

Chapter 1: Aunt姑姑

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My Aunt Butterfly is an extraordinary won. She is the renowned lady of the Cui faly in the capital, a refined and eleant er of a distinuished faly.



Althouh our Cui faly cannot be coared to the ierial palace or noble nsions, we are a respected faly with a history spannin over a century. My aunt ained fa at a very youn ae. She could coose poetry at three, write verses by seven, and was hihly skilled in sic, chess, calliraphy, and paintin.



Froa youn ae, she stood at the pinnacle of society. She was exceptional in ter of backround, appearance, talent, and wisdo


However, such a rerkable won reined unrried and unenaed even at twenty-five.


Suitors visited our ho to propose in droves, nearly wearin down our doorstep, but aunt would disaree. As a result, she radually beca an old id, thouh the streaof suitors never stopped, only dwindlin in nuer.


Everyone knew that the Cui faly had a lady of stunnin beauty and unparalleled talent. However, this lady had exceedinly hih standards, and even the sons of noble falies couldn''''t catch her eye.


Gradually, not all words about aunt were filled with adration and praise. Neative coents arose, and they only rew re and re. However, aunt paid theno intention, continuin to live as she pleased.


Since childhood, I knew I had an incredible aunt hihly respected in our faly. Our household naent was not in ther''''s hands but in aunt''''s.


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