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Chapter 4: Midnight Fright半夜

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In our villae, several people, like , sold oods, so we sotis went toether, while other tis I ventured out alone.


In ry, father was incoetent. We could only rit our teeth and endure the pain when we fell sick. Since I bean earnin inco for the faly, father was pleased that I contributed to our financial support, but he never considered .


As a teenae irl, out alone early in the rnin and late at niht, he never worried about safety.


No, he never thouht about such tters. He only saw that if I rose early and stayed out late, I could brin re inco to the faly, and our life could be better.


Life continued this way until one niht, at fourteen, I noticed a n followin . A straner tailin a youn irl would frihten anyone in the desolate woods and fields, with no one around at eiht or nine o''''clock at niht.


I realized that no tter which path I chose, he persisted in followin . Eventually, I hastened pace and sprinted ahead, terror-stricken.


Finally, I had put considerable distance between us and couldn''''t hear his footsteps anyre. Spottin a pond next to a field, I decided to hide there until the n left.


I threw ety shoulder pole into the nearby bushes and concealed self in a rass pile.


Hidin there in fear, I soon heard footsteps approachin, and I knew the straner was drawin near.



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